4 X 6 Pot fight Green Pad


42% Off
Price Summary
  • 38.00
  • 22.00
  • 42%
  • 22.00
  • Overall you save 16.00 (42%) on this product
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These pads are designed for use on both sides and do not wear out fast. The light weight, lofty & extremely openness of our pads/mats provide the essential non-clogging and no-filling nature which permit it to be used in soapy dish water where it is common to find bits of food or other residues which could clog an abrasive pad not having these features. After use, these can be readily cleaned upon by simple flushing with water, dried and left for reuse.

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These pads are designed for use on both sides and do not wear out fast. The light weight, lofty & extremely openness of our pads/mats provide the essential non-clogging and no-filling nature which permit it to be used in soapy dish water where it is common to find bits of food or other residues which could clog an abrasive pad not having these features. After use, these can be readily cleaned upon by simple flushing with water, dried and left for reuse.

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